Abomi Archive

The Calavera is an item in Abomi Nation that can be purchased for 300 Temporal Pebbles in the Temporal Store after defeating a boss from the Alebroati line or by beating the game with a member of the Alebroati line on your team.


When the holder is under 33% HP, all attacks have a 25% chance to miss the holder.

Other Languages[]

Language Name Description
Japanese カラヴェラ 所持者のHPが33%以下の#時、25%の確率ですべての#攻撃から所持者を守る。
Traditional Chinese 骷髏 HP低於33%時,25%機率閃避攻擊。
Simplified Chinese 骷髅 HP低于33%时,25%几率闪避攻击。
Korean 해골 장식 보유 어보미의 HP가 33% 아래일 때, 모든 공격이 25% 확률로 보유 어보미를 빗나갑니다.